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Crashed Flying Saucer in Semi-Arid Desert Air Force Officials Inspect 50m Wide Mirror Surface Craft - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale gratuita

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 49343
4.0 di 5(1)
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In this picture, taken in a semi-arid desert, we see several air force officials standing beneath a clear blue sky. They are looking at a crashed flying saucer, which is approximately 50 meters wide and 10 meters high. The saucer has a shiny, mirror-like surface and is inclined downwards, with its front side buried in the ground, forming a crater. The landing gears of the saucer are broken and there is black liquid leaking onto the desert floor. Additionally, debris from the crash, along with traces of burning, can be seen scattered around. The dimensions of the image are 3:2, and its resolution is set at 750 pixels. Altro...

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