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Corporate Business Card Template, 11781, Lavoro —
Corporate Business Card Template, Slide 2, 11781, Lavoro —
Corporate Business Card Template, Slide 3, 11781, Lavoro —

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Corporate Business Card Template

Dal 2 ottobre 2021
ID: 11781
0.0 di 5(0)
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This is a Corporate Business Card Template, created by “Adobe Photoshop”. This Template is suitable for branding and ready to use for multipurpose uses. The latest design, easily photo changing options and free commercial fonts have been used. All parts of this template including photo placeholders and text areas can be customized with just a few clicks.

Special Features of this Template:
Quick and Easy to Customize
2×3.5 with .25 Bleed
300 DPI, CMYK Color, Ready for Print
Each Layers are Well Organized and Grouped
Fully Editable Text, Color and Objects
Image Not Included
Adobe Photoshop CC Version

Files Included:
1 Adobe Photoshop Files (2 Side Included)
Help Guide Included

Free Font Used:

If you need any help or feel any problem to edit something regarding this item, please let us know using our profile. We’ll appreciate it. If you like this item please Rate it & Share it with your Friends! Thank You!!

Photos and Mock-ups used in the preview are not included, they are only for Presentation Purpose. If you have a moment, please Rate this item 5 Star. Thanks for checking out this product.

Need Professional Custom Design?
We are available for freelance work. Contact us if you are interested!

Thank You!!! Altro...
Categorie: Lavoro

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