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Clean - Presentation Template - Keynote Template
- Keynote Template
- 36 Diapositive
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
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- Keynote Template
- 36 Diapositive
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
Sblocca questo file e accedi ad altre risorse Premium
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Present your works in a professional and clean way with Clean Presentation Template. This is a simple contemporary but powerful design that includes creative photo layouts, infographics, tables, vector icons, diagrams and tons of great features to show your work and your company profile on another level.
* Keynote Template (KEY)
* 36 Slides in Total
* 20+ Color Themes
* 4000+ Icons Pack
* 100% Editable in iMac & Windows
* 16:9 Full HD Ratio (1920x1080px)
* All Graphic Resizable & Editable
* Image Not Included
* Easy Drag & Drop to Change Picture
* Free Font Used (Link Have in Help File)
* Free & Fast Support Service
We provide free real support from our skilled designer. If you need any help or inquiry about this item, Please contact us.
Enjoy! Thank you. Altro...
Prodotti correlati
- Tutti gli Oggetti
- Modelli di presentazione
- Modelli di Keynote
- Clean - Presentation Template
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