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Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, 10281, Lavoro —
Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, Slide 2, 10281, Lavoro —
Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, Slide 3, 10281, Lavoro —
Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, Slide 4, 10281, Lavoro —
Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, Slide 5, 10281, Lavoro —
Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, Slide 6, 10281, Lavoro —
Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, Slide 7, 10281, Lavoro —
Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, Slide 8, 10281, Lavoro —
Business Strategy PowerPoint Template, Slide 9, 10281, Lavoro —

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Business Strategy PowerPoint Template - Modello PowerPoint

Dal 29 gennaio 2022
ID: 10281
4.6 di 5(52)
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This business strategy refers to the actions and decisions that a company takes to reach its business goals and be competitive in its industry. It defines what the business needs to do to reach its goals, which can help guide the decision-making process for hiring and resource allocation. This business strategy helps different departments work together, ensuring departmental decisions support the overall direction of the company.


- PowerPoint Template (PPTX)
- Google Slides Template (PPTX)
- 70+ Unique Slides
- 100+ Color Themes
- 2000+ Icons Pack (Ai & Pptx)
- 100% Editable in Mac & Windows
- 16:9 Full HD Ratio (1920x1080px)
- All Graphic Resizable and Editable
- Image NOT Included
- Easy Drag & Drop to Change Picture
- Free Font Used (Link have in Help File)
- Free & Fast Support Service


- Cover Slide
- Welcome Message
- Mission, Vision & Value
- Our Service
- Goals & Objectives
- Market Overview
- Company History
- Management Team
- Key Personnel
- KPI Dashboard
- Data Strategy Principles
- Strategy Principles
- Growth Strategy
- Action Plan
- Business Model
- Competition Review
- 4PS Model - Product
- 4PS Model - Price
- 4PS Model - Place
- 4PS Model - Promotion
- PEST Analysis
- Five Forces Model
- Value Chain Analysis
- BCG Model
- 5Ps Of Strategy Model
- Strategy Diamond
- SOAR Analysis
- SWOT Analysis
- Build Measure Learn Loop
- Critical Success Factors
- TOWS Matrix
- Kaizen Process Strategy
- Innovation Circle
- Keller’s Brand Equity Model
- The McKinsey 7-S Framework
- The Ansoff Matrix
- The GE- McKinsey Matrix
- The Value Disciplines Model
- Ocean Strategy
- Mintzberg’s 5’s Strategy
- 5 Steps Of Social Media Strategy
- Bowman’s Strategy Clock
- The Technology Life Cycle
- Kotler’s Four Product Levels
- VRIO Analysis
- Ohmae’s 3C Model
- Porter’s Four Corners Model
- Image Gallery
- Contact Us.
- Thank You!

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Categorie: Lavoro

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