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Certificate Template with Colorful Pattern, 08780, Lavoro —
Certificate Template with Colorful Pattern, Slide 2, 08780, Lavoro —

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Certificate Template with Colorful Pattern

Dal 8 febbraio 2020
ID: 08780
0.0 di 5(0)
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Use this certificate template in your business, company or institution in completion of any course, training ,degree or job. Also you can use this multipurpose certificate template as an award giving certificate, certificate of excellence, certificate of appreciation, certificate of achievement, certificate of recognition or related purpose.

Flexible and editable design professional Certificate Template is made in multiple software formats. This template is professionally organized and labelled so every beginner can edit it like a pro. You can change images, texts, logos and color very quickly and easily.


* US letter paper size
* Illustrator (EPS) and Photoshop (PSD) format
* Portrait and landscape design layout
* One click color customization via swatches
* CMYK color print ready with bleeds guidelines
* Include used free font and image link


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