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Candy and Tree Holiday Decor on Wooden Background - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 43901
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This stock photo depicts a festive arrangement with a tray filled with various candies, a miniature Christmas tree, and candles. The image is captured against a wooden background and is in the style of ultra high-definition (UHD). The color palette mainly comprises light silver and light red hues, with hints of light gray and light gold. The photo exhibits layered fibers and has a soft, blended brushstroke effect. The colors are muted, creating a subdued ambiance. The camera used for the shot is a Tokina AT-X 11-16mm f2.8 Pro DX II lens, and the editing software used is Leica CL with the AR 128:85 and v 5.2 settings. Altro...

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