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Busy Construction Site in Norway Yellow Excavators at Work Amidst Snowy Mountains and Lake Photo - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale gratuita

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 44631
5.0 di 5(1)
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In this image, a bustling and expansive construction site is showcased in the summertime. The site is located in a city in Norway and is filled with vibrant yellow excavators. Surrounding the site are snow-capped mountains, a glistening lake, and a haze in the atmosphere. The image exhibits photorealism and realism, capturing the intricate textures, realistic lighting, and shadows. Shot on an iPhone, it features a 50mm lens to highlight the landscape, utilizing high resolution options such as 8k and 4k. The photograph incorporates lens flare, film halation, chromatic aberration, and surface imperfections, while maintaining a realistic and detailed portrayal. Altro...

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