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Breeze Colors Keynote Template, 05285, Infografiche —
Breeze Colors Keynote Template, Slide 2, 05285, Infografiche —

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Breeze Colors Keynote Template - Keynote Template

Dal 24 febbraio 2020
ID: 05285
4.7 di 5(3)
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The Breeze Colors template offers a professional look for your Keynote presentation. It includes 20 master slides and 2 resolutions, which allows you to choose the best layout for your information. The layouts are polished and modern, with custom bullets, matching tables, and easily readable charts. The template can be opened and edited in Keynote 6.0 or later versions.

Most objects in the template can be effortlessly recolored, reshaped, moved, or removed. You can change the background to a color, gradient, or photo with a simple modification in the Appearance Inspector. Type or paste your own text, add and remove text boxes, and change the font if you wish. Drag your photos or pictures onto media placeholders to replace the stock images.

The theme uses the following fonts: Heiti TC Light, Heiti TC Medium

What is included:
* 2 .key files for different resolutions (Standard 4:3 and Widescreen 16:9)
* Help file


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