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Antique PowerPoint Template, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 2, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 3, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 4, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 5, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 6, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 7, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 8, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 9, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 10, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 11, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 12, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 13, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 14, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 15, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 16, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 17, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 18, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 19, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 20, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —
Antique PowerPoint Template, Slide 21, 05210, Grafici e Diagrammi Educativi —

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Antique PowerPoint Template - Modello PowerPoint

Dal 24 febbraio 2020
ID: 05210
4.6 di 5(19)
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Antique template offers a professional look for your unique MS PowerPoint slideshows. It includes 20 masters and 2 slide sizes, which allows you to choose the best layout for your information. The modern, polished layouts go beyond mere backgrounds, fonts, and bullets - they contain matching data visualization elements. The template can be opened and edited in MS PowerPoint for Mac 2011 or later as well as MS PowerPoint for Windows 2007 or later.

Most objects in the template can be easily recolored, reshaped, moved, or removed. You can change the background to a color, gradient, or photo with simple modifications. Type or paste your own text, add and remove text boxes, and change the font if you wish. Edit the charts and diagrams to fit your data. Edit the media placeholders to replace the stock images with your own photos or pictures.

What is included:
* 2 .potx files for different slide sizes (Standard 4:3 and Widescreen 16:9);
* Help file.

The theme uses the following fonts:
* Didot,
* Avenir Next.


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