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3D Vector Infographic Template, 11447, Lavoro —
3D Vector Infographic Template, Slide 2, 11447, Lavoro —

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3D Vector Infographic Template

Dal 8 febbraio 2020
ID: 11447
0.0 di 5(0)
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Need to make an infographic? Fast and easy? With a low budget? You've found it!

3D INFOGRAPHIC This is vector infographic Templates & Vector Kits To Design Your Own Infographic Make you very own Infographics, you can use this infographic in your upcoming new project like powerpoint presentation, brochure design, annual report, business trend, business analysis, cv/resume, advertising, marketing, promotional email or any other way which you want.

The color scheme used is of a Modern and Fresh! type but can be changed to anything to match your design preference.


* 10 Color Variation EPS File also include EPS 10 Version
* Works best with Adobe Illustrator CS3 or newer
* Does NOT work with Adobe Photoshop
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