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14 Space Galaxy Instagram Highlight Cover Icon, 00811, Oggetti e Attrezzatura —
14 Space Galaxy Instagram Highlight Cover Icon, Slide 2, 00811, Oggetti e Attrezzatura —
14 Space Galaxy Instagram Highlight Cover Icon, Slide 3, 00811, Oggetti e Attrezzatura —

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14 Space Galaxy Instagram Highlight Cover Icon

Dal 30 gennaio 2020
ID: 00811
0.0 di 5(0)
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Instagram users have been able to highlight certain Instagram stories they had previously published on their profile — allowing them to create an easily accessible, categorized archive of the short videos and photos they'd once shared as stories. If you highlight stories in your Instagram profile, the stories remain visible at the top of your page. For that reason, it can help to create and choose an icon to serve as the cover for each set of stories. Doing so makes your highlights look consistent and cohesive with the rest of your brand assets.

If you are looking to choose highlight covers easily, you may want to purchase one of these ready-to-use sets from professional designers. This Instagram Highlight Icon sets from Creative shop owners will ensure that your profile looks cohesive and well-designed anytime someone checks it out. Once you've decided which highlight icons work best, go ahead and download build a cohesive theme.

Ready to upload JPG!

- 14 Space Galaxy Icons
- Bitmap Based
- Good Resolution
- Ready for Upload with JPG Format
- Documentation and Quick Guide

In The Package
- AI

Why Choose Us
You will receive a file of the template as we mentioned or defined in the description. There will complete guide with the file to use the template. Altro...

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