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"I Am Lorem Ipsum Designer" Text Typographic T-shirt Design Vector, 02760, Astratto/Texture —
"I Am Lorem Ipsum Designer" Text Typographic T-shirt Design Vector, Slide 2, 02760, Astratto/Texture —

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"I Am Lorem Ipsum Designer" Text Typographic T-shirt Design Vector

Dal 11 giugno 2020
ID: 02760
0.0 di 5(0)
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typographic t-shirt design vector

Typography posters and badges can be used for labels, frame designs, t-shirts templates, book covers, quotes designs, banners, watermark typography poster, flyers, and other identity, branding materials, design proposal, marketing graphics, blog headers, and much more.

Use this typography as your latest project identity and graphics, for a strong branding presence and weathered impression of your brand and products.

Item Description:

⦁ Possible and easy change color for a dark t-shirt or white T-shirt
⦁ Made with 100% vector shapes re-sizable.
⦁ Ready to print
⦁ 100% Color Changeable
⦁ Source File (AI or EPS)


⦁ AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and PNG Transparent (300dpi) Altro...

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