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Portfolio Template, 16297, Bisnis —
Portfolio Template, Slide 2, 16297, Bisnis —
Portfolio Template, Slide 3, 16297, Bisnis —
Portfolio Template, Slide 4, 16297, Bisnis —
Portfolio Template, Slide 5, 16297, Bisnis —
Portfolio Template, Slide 6, 16297, Bisnis —
Portfolio Template, Slide 7, 16297, Bisnis —
Portfolio Template, Slide 8, 16297, Bisnis —
Portfolio Template, Slide 9, 16297, Bisnis —

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Portfolio Template

Penulis trigtype
Sejak 4 Agustus 2021
ID: 16297
0.0 dari 5(0)
  • Brosur
  • 20 Halaman
  • A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0" A4 210 x 297
Sumber daya premium

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  • Brosur
  • 20 Halaman
  • A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0" A4 210 x 297
Sumber daya premium

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** 20 pages ** Portfolio template is fully editable template created for both ** CANVA and Adobe InDesign. ** Portfolio template is a modern, stylized way of presenting who your brand, studio or agency is, and what type of work you do.

Template is available in 2 sizes, ** International A4 and US Letter. ** Color mode is CMYK. free fonts which are linked in the instructions file. All elements in this template are organized in layers and aligned to grid. Template comes with premade neutral color palette, however you can change colors to adapt your brand palette in just one click.


Portfolio template in many formats for different types of technical and non-technical people. Choose what and how can you edit it.

- ** CANVA: ** Canva (Edit online with your web browser)
- ** INDD: ** Compatible files for Adobe InDesign CC
- ** INDT: ** Compatible files for Adobe InDesign CC
- ** IDML: ** Compatible files for Adobe InDesign CS4, CS5, CS6

** DETAILS: **

- ** A4 and US Letter Size **
- Bleed size: 3mm / 0.125 in
- 20 editable slide layouts
- Orientation: Portrait
- ** Character & Paragraph Styles **
- Edit brand colors through palette
- Master Pages
- Images, Text and Background on separate layers
- Uses free fonts (Links to font files included)
- Help File
- ** Photographs and Mockups Not Included. **

** Contents: **

- Profile
- About us
- Skills & Services
- Our Team
- How we Work
- Case Study
- Our Focus
- Our Values
- Our Works
- Social Pack
- Global Fashion
- Contact.

Enjoy and thanks again. Lainnya...
Kategori: Bisnis
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