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Investor Pitch Deck Presentation - Templat PowerPoint
- Templat PowerPoint
- 378 Slide
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
- 300 DPI
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- Templat PowerPoint
- 378 Slide
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
- 300 DPI
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Apple & Windows 100% Editable
We have created a best investor pitch deck template of 375+ pages to invest capital in the right way and get good profit in a short time by uniting all the investors in one team. Raising capital from investors is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, it is important that a start-up builds a great investor pitch deck with a compelling description.
Key Features :
PowerPoint Template
Aspect Ratio 16:9
375+ Unique & Gorgeous Layouts
Many Variations of Layout and Text
High-res 1920x1080 Pixel (Full HD)
Perfectly Aligned Typography
Well Categorized & Organized
Based On Investor Structured
Charts & Graphs Auto Excel
Objects & Layouts Smart Art
Fully Documentation
Made With Slide-Master
60+ Pre-made Color Themes
Drag & Drop Image Placeholder
100% Customize and Editable
Free Fonts Used
Extensive Help File (PDF)
Template Included :
PowerPoint Templates:-
375+ Unique Slides 16:9 (Pptx)
60+ Pre-made Color Themes
4000+ Vector Icons Pack (Ai & Pptx)
Extensive Help File PDF Lainnya...

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- Template Presentasi
- Template PowerPoint
- Investor Pitch Deck Presentation
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