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Health Care Infographics PowerPoint Template, 11635, Medis —
Health Care Infographics PowerPoint Template, Slide 2, 11635, Medis —
Health Care Infographics PowerPoint Template, Slide 3, 11635, Medis —
Health Care Infographics PowerPoint Template, Slide 4, 11635, Medis —
Health Care Infographics PowerPoint Template, Slide 5, 11635, Medis —

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Health Care Infographics PowerPoint Template - Templat PowerPoint

Penulis Limo_Des
Sejak 17 Mungkin 2023
ID: 11635
4.2 dari 5(5)
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Health Care Infographics PowerPoint Template

Health Care Infographics PowerPoint Template is a modern template that you can download and use for any type of business presentation, The template contains 16 unique slides designed by professionals that you can easily edit and fill out with your personal content, All objects are vectors objects, and they are fully editable, all icons used are smart object and vector which means you can easily change their size and colors to any size you want without losing resolution.

Key Features:

16 Clean & Creative slides
2 Aspect Ratio ( 4:3 & 16:9 )
90 Color Themes included
Just One Click to change the colors and auto recolored
Free Fonts and Icons
Fully and Easily editable content
3000+ Icons! easily change size & color Lainnya...
Kategori: Medis
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