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Dental Clinic Center - PowerPoint Template, 12309, Bisnis —
Dental Clinic Center - PowerPoint Template, Slide 2, 12309, Bisnis —
Dental Clinic Center - PowerPoint Template, Slide 3, 12309, Bisnis —
Dental Clinic Center - PowerPoint Template, Slide 4, 12309, Bisnis —

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Dental Clinic Center - PowerPoint Template - Templat PowerPoint

Penulis wealthwells
Sejak 29 Desember 2022
ID: 12309
4.0 dari 5(1)
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Dental Clinic is a facility where dentists and dental staff provide care. But you'll often hear the term used to mean a place where dental services are available at a lower cost than at a private practice. Dental clinics also frequently serve an educational purpose.


Dental Clinic Center - Presentation Template is an asset to help you make the business illustration in the media presentation easier. With a variety of modern design choices, making your presentation structure easier to understand and stylist.

Easy to set and change colors according to your taste are the main features of this template presentation, because all elements are vector.

No graphic skills required.


- Dental Clinic - Presentation File
- Icon Pack
- Documentation


- Each Template is 35 slides
- Full Responsive 16x9 HD Ratio Display
- Vector Shape All Elements
- Master Slide Options (Drag and Drop to Upload Images)
- Bonus Included: 1000+ Vector Icons as shapes
- Full & Easy Editable
- Creative & Professional Work
- Free font used

Stock Photos are not included
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