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4 Building Blocks of Organizational DNA, 10254, Model Bisnis —
4 Building Blocks of Organizational DNA, Slide 2, 10254, Model Bisnis —
4 Building Blocks of Organizational DNA, Slide 3, 10254, Model Bisnis —

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4 Building Blocks of Organizational DNA - Template Presentasi Gratis untuk Google Slide dan PowerPoint

Sejak 18 Juli 2004
ID: 10254
4.5 dari 5(165)
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Free PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

The 4 Building Blocks of Organizational DNA is a free presentation template that works in Google Slides and PowerPoint and represents a concept of a DNA diagram with 4 colored parts, stages, options, or phases as the concept of the 4 Building Blocks: Structure, Decision Rights, Motivators, and Information — largely determine how a firm looks and behaves, internally and externally.

Like a living organism's DNA, an organization's DNA is an integrated template of four basic building blocks, or levers, that combine and recombine to express and, in some ways, even predict the effectiveness of that unique organization. Organizations must have a good operational understanding of the building blocks of organizational DNA to better operate effectively and efficiently.

Structure. The Structure is the organization of business units around customers, products, or geography. In principle, structural choices are made to support strategy. However, in practice, the company's organizational structure and strategic intentions often do not coincide.

Decision Rights. Decision Rights define who has the right to make which decisions. Often they change the structure of the organizational structure and determine who is responsible.

Motivators. Motivators are incentives, rewards, and systems that enable employees to perform their functions well. It shows how people respond rationally to what they see, understand, and are rewarded.

Information. Information is an important foundation in a company's DNA, which underpins a company's ability to provide clear decision-making rights and motivate people. Information is one of the most underrated drivers of operational excellence and competitive advantage. Better information flows often did more than reduce costs. This helps allocate scarce resources much more efficiently than before.

The presentation template of the 4 Building Blocks of Organizational DNA diagram is an ideal layout design for defining and elaborating to explain the triumphs and the trials in an organization's ability to execute and has a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design. Users can change colors or resize elements for personalized effects on the overall presentation, and add this diagram to create and utilize various models to present a management schema before their team members or employees. This approach gives new meaning and purpose to the typical organizational restructuring.

Use this 4 Building Blocks of Organizational DNA framework to present a way to think about culture analytically, download instantly and tailor it with your information, and use it to look like a presentation pro.

Template Features:

* 100% editable and easy to modify
* 2 dark and light slides to impress your audience
* Contains easy-to-edit graphics
* Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
* 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
* Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Kategori: Model Bisnis

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