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Project Proposal or Business Proposal Brochure Template Design and Company Profile Layout, 21120, Business —
Project Proposal or Business Proposal Brochure Template Design and Company Profile Layout, Folie 2, 21120, Business —
Project Proposal or Business Proposal Brochure Template Design and Company Profile Layout, Folie 3, 21120, Business —
Project Proposal or Business Proposal Brochure Template Design and Company Profile Layout, Folie 4, 21120, Business —
Project Proposal or Business Proposal Brochure Template Design and Company Profile Layout, Folie 5, 21120, Business —

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Project Proposal or Business Proposal Brochure Template Design and Company Profile Layout

Seit 18. Oktober 2021
ID: 21120
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This is 12 page minimal brochure template is for designers working on Business Brochure, Company Profile, Annual Report, Project Proposal and agency based projects.Just drop in your own pictures and texts, and it’s ready for print. This Brochure can serve multiple purposes. Use it to present your photos, products, services – or anything else you can think of, where images would be front and center. Everything you see is editable right in Adobe Illustrator (EPS). All colors can easily be changed in one location. All texts are set with free fonts, and download links are provided.


❖ Adobe Illustrator (EPS File)
❖ 12 Pages Document
❖ A4 Size (8.27 x 11.69) 0.25 Bleed
❖ Very Easy to Edit
❖ Free font used
❖ Images and mockup not included

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Kategorien: Business

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