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Infographic Template - 01

Seit 2. Januar 2022
ID: 15394
4.0 of 5(3)

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Business or Education Analytics Infographic made with 3:2 ratio. Available RGB color mood. Suitable for print, presentation, infographic and any other project. Every detail in each infographic is made in a minimalist, clean and modern style. You can use it in next iOS and Android projects. Completely customizable to use in any color.

Attached ZIP folder contains:

• AI CS6 (files compatible with versions 8, 10, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6, easily resize and colors)

• EPS CS6 (easily resize and colors)

• PSD (layered)



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Thank You.

Keyword: graph, business, education, design, diagram, element, flow, flowchart, blue, chart, clean, corporate, data visualization, green, info charts, info charts, infographic, infographics, information graphics, modern, percent, photoshop, pie chart, pink, presentation, PSD, sleek, statistics, stats, stylish, vector, vector shapes, Visual Data, plan, presentation, process, project, scheme, step, template, text, vector Mehr...
Kategorien: Business
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