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Food and Restaurant Roll up Banner Design Template, 18243, Business —
Food and Restaurant Roll up Banner Design Template, Folie 2, 18243, Business —
Food and Restaurant Roll up Banner Design Template, Folie 3, 18243, Business —
Food and Restaurant Roll up Banner Design Template, Folie 4, 18243, Business —
Food and Restaurant Roll up Banner Design Template, Folie 5, 18243, Business —

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Food and Restaurant Roll up Banner Design Template

Seit 20. Dezember 2021
ID: 18243
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Modern food rollup banner design for restaurant
Clean & Eye-catchy professional work! This template is designed for any company or business with multipurpose services. I would highly be recommended this multipurpose calendar template for corporate, Real Estate, Fitness, Beauty, Medical, and Fashion galleries. You can easily edit and customize it, just simply add your company logo or personal details, adjust the color & Add your photos, then it’s ready for print!!

- Unique page design
- Size: 70x30 with .25 inch bleed
- Print-ready CMYK Color Mode
- 300 DPI High-Resolution file
- Ready to Print, just add in your details
- Fully Editable Well-organized Layer
- Easy to Edit with Extensive help file included
- Adobe CC Version used
- Images are not included

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If you need any help using the file please feel free to contact me via my Creativefebrica Profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much.

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Kategorien: Business

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