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Dogster Animals Pet Powerpoint Presentation Template, 09420, Tiere und Haustiere —
Dogster Animals Pet Powerpoint Presentation Template, Folie 2, 09420, Tiere und Haustiere —
Dogster Animals Pet Powerpoint Presentation Template, Folie 3, 09420, Tiere und Haustiere —
Dogster Animals Pet Powerpoint Presentation Template, Folie 4, 09420, Tiere und Haustiere —

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Dogster Animals Pet Powerpoint Presentation Template - PowerPoint-Vorlage

Von Rrgraph
Seit 12. Oktober 2021
ID: 09420
4.6 of 5(9)

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Dogster Animal Powerpoint Presentation Template Dogster Dogs and cats, without a doubt, are the most loved companion for humans. Our bond with those animals has been raising since more people are trying to domesticate them as commodities, decorative objects, or furry friends. In consequence, a pet owner needs a connection with the community that can facilitate animal’s needs.

To put it bluntly, Dogster is a presentation template that has 60+ slides, editable icon, nitty-gritty details animation, 16:9 widescreen ratio, and animal illustrations. Another important stuff you must reckon, its background is bolstered with such adorable paw prints to bring the cuteness of your presentation to the maximum!

With all those bazinga features, this animal-themed presentation template would be beneficial for pet sitter, animal trainer, veterinarian, doggie daycare, pooper scooper, pet boutique, animal rights organizations, and anthrozoology to boost sales, grow potential markets, pitch clients among pet owners, or to enhance the visual looks of their services and products. Your life is better with dogs and cats. Likewise, design is easier with Dogster animal presentation template. Mehr...
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