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Corporate Flyer Template Design, 13613, Business —
Corporate Flyer Template Design, Folie 2, 13613, Business —
Corporate Flyer Template Design, Folie 3, 13613, Business —
Corporate Flyer Template Design, Folie 4, 13613, Business —

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Corporate Flyer Template Design

Seit 28. August 2021
ID: 13613
5.0 of 5(1)

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This Flyer template is suitable for a creative and corporate agency. I try to make this Flyer template visually appealing and you can use this Flyer for advertising and marketing materials.

It's made with Photoshop and easily editable text, logo, color, image, and all layers are properly organized. In this PSD file, totally free and popular font used.


01. Print Ready
02. CMYK Color
03. 300dpi
04. Fully Editable, Layered
05. High Resolution
06. Adobe Photoshop PSD Format File Included
07. 8.26x11.69 inches (0.25” bleed)
08. Easy editable
09. Use google fonts
10. Free Font use
11. Smart object
12. Photos are not included

Font link included in the main file.

Note: Images used in the preview & Mockups are not included. Mehr...
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