Corporate Business Website Template
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IT is responsive landing page template is a modern template clean and responsive html5 css3. This template comes with clean features, a modern and unique design that makes your website more beautiful in a modern way. This template has a professional and elegant design with a responsive very easy to customize. It is comes with 3 home demos. All files are clearly organized we believe it will be easy to use and edit them. This template is well organized and very easy to customize.
Template Features:
Modern Design
Clean Design
Responsive Layout
Bootstrap v5.0.2.
Material Design Icons
Working Contact Form
Retina Supported
W3C Valid Markup
Video Modal
Google Map
Google Web Fonts
HTML 5 & SCSS Markup
Well Commented code
Well Documented
Easy to customize
And much more…..
Files Included:
HTML Files
CSS Files
JS Files
Fonts Files
PHP Files for Contact-Form
Note: Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle. Mehr...
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