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Corporate Business Multipurpose Flyer Design and Brochure Cover Page Template, 11785, Business —
Corporate Business Multipurpose Flyer Design and Brochure Cover Page Template, Folie 2, 11785, Business —

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Corporate Business Multipurpose Flyer Design and Brochure Cover Page Template

Seit 18. Oktober 2021
ID: 11785
5.0 of 5(1)

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The Business Conference flyer / This template gives you a powerful source of information in a great look to have a strong, visually pleasing brand, easy to edit text, images, and elements.

Features :

- A4 Size

- 2 Color Variation

- Editable in adobe Illustrator (EPS & AI)

- Easy to edit text, colors, and images.

- Layered, well organized

- Free fonts used

- Print ready – 300 DPI.

- Help file included


The Photos are not included.


Fonts/free download :


If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much ....Thank you. Mehr...
Kategorien: Business

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