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Corporate Business Brochure Template Annual Report Company Portfolio Layout

Seit 18. Oktober 2021
ID: 22669
4.0 of 5(1)

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Modern corporate business presentation brochure template, annual report, company profile brochure layout can be used for any business purpose, Corporate, Personal, Architect, Interior, Photographer, Designer and other project.. All fonts, shapes and other elements are very easy to customize with Adobe Illustrator.


❖ Adobe Illustrator (EPS File)
❖ 12 Pages Document
❖ A4 Size (8.27 x 11.69) 0.25 Bleed
❖ Very Easy to Edit
❖ Free font used
❖ Images and mockup not included
❖ Help File Included

Font Link:

If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me via my profile. Mehr...
Kategorien: Business

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