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Business Strategy Keynote Template, 04526, Business Modelle —
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Business Strategy Keynote Template, Folie 3, 04526, Business Modelle —
Business Strategy Keynote Template, Folie 4, 04526, Business Modelle —
Business Strategy Keynote Template, Folie 5, 04526, Business Modelle —
Business Strategy Keynote Template, Folie 6, 04526, Business Modelle —

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Business Strategy Keynote Template - Keynote-Vorlage

Seit 4. Februar 2020
ID: 04526
4.6 of 5(28)

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A Business Strategy is a set of moves and actions that uses to attract customers, compete successfully, strengthening performance, and achieve organizational goals. It outlines how business should be carried out to reach the desired ends. This Business strategy presentation template include most known and used strategic models, chart and graphs and is a must have tool for creation your successful strategy presentation.CONTENT:WelcomeIntroductionStrategy OverviewStrategy Action PlanStrategy Goals & ObjectivesKey Performance IndicatorStrategy PrinciplesGrowth StrategyStrategy GoalsBusiness ModelCompetition ReviewPEST AnalysisFive Forces ModelBCG Model5'S Strategy ModelStrategy DiamondSOAR AnalysisS.W.O.T AnalysisBuild-Measure-Learn Feedback LoopCritical Success FactorsPorters DiamondT.O.W.S MatrixKaizen StrategyThe Innovation CircleKeller's Brand Equity ModelThe McKinsey 7-S FrameworkThe Ansoff MatrixThe GE-McKinsey MatrixThe Value Disciplines ModelBlue Ocean StrategyMintzberg’s 5’s Strategy5 steps of Social Media StrategyBowman’s Strategy ClockThe Technology Life CycleKotler's Five Product LevelsWeisbord Six-Box ModelV.R.I.O modelOhmae's 3C ModelPorter's Four Corners ModelContactsFEATURES:Widescreen 16:9 (1920x1080) screen sizeEasy color tuningFull editable in Keynote5 Pre-made color themesFree fontsFull DocumentationTEMPLATE INCLUDES:5 Key (Apple Keynote) filesUser Guide PDF file Mehr...

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