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Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 2, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 3, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 4, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 5, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 6, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 7, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 8, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 9, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 10, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 11, 09783, Business —
Business Proposal PowerPoint Template, Folie 12, 09783, Business —

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Business Proposal PowerPoint Template - PowerPoint-Vorlage

Seit 5. Januar 2022
ID: 09783
4.6 of 5(17)

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About the Product :

This Project proposals is very clean, creative & commercial presentation. It includes business proposals. It has deadlines, Financial income expenditure chart. It contains a detailed budget that includes a summation of anticipated costs and a time frame for specific expenditure. Based On Real Project Structured. This template is fully gorgeous layout (PPTX) Not Animated PowerPoint Presentation Template. Aspect Ratio 16:9. You can use this template any kinds of Project.


Key Features :

PPTX PowerPoint - 2016
Aspect Ratio 16 : 9
66+ Unique & Gorgeous Slides
Many Variations of Layout and Text
High-res 1920x1080 Pixel (Full HD)
Perfectly Aligned Typography
Full Documentation
Drag & Drop Image Placeholder
Header & Footer Master Layout
Auto Page Number
60+ Color Theme
100% Customizable
Free Font Used (link have in help file)


Template Included :

66+ Unique Slides 16:9 Not Animated (PPTX)
60+ Colors Theme
4000+ Icons pack (AI & PPTX)
Extensive Help File PDF Mehr...
Kategorien: Business

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