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Business PowerPoint Template, 05076, Business Modelle —
Business PowerPoint Template, Folie 2, 05076, Business Modelle —
Business PowerPoint Template, Folie 3, 05076, Business Modelle —
Business PowerPoint Template, Folie 4, 05076, Business Modelle —

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Business PowerPoint Template - PowerPoint-Vorlage

Seit 11. März 2020
ID: 05076
4.6 of 5(53)

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Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed and functional. This slides comes with info-graphic elements, charts graphs and icons. This presentation template is so versatile that it can be used in many different businesses. This PowerPoint can be used for real estate market review, new business funding request, product review, marketing and promotions post launch review, market research, social media impact studies, education and training.

Outstanding Features:

- 46 Unique Slides
- Coloured & Single colour options
- Modern layouts Based on Master Slides
- Multipurpose Slides Clean, Modern & Creative
- 16:9 HD Aspect Ratio
- Minimal & Clean Design
- Drag and Drop Ready with Placeholders
- Data charts (Editable via Excel) – so when you update the Excel spreadsheet, the changes instantly appear in your presentation slides, too.
- PPTX and PPT Files
- All Graphic Resizable and Editable
- Pixel-perfect illustrations
- Easy Editable chart
- Used FREE Fonts. Links given inside the help file.
- The images used in the demos are NOT included

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