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Brand Guideline Template Brand Manual Layout, 22356, Art & Entertainment —
Brand Guideline Template Brand Manual Layout, Folie 2, 22356, Art & Entertainment —
Brand Guideline Template Brand Manual Layout, Folie 3, 22356, Art & Entertainment —
Brand Guideline Template Brand Manual Layout, Folie 4, 22356, Art & Entertainment —
Brand Guideline Template Brand Manual Layout, Folie 5, 22356, Art & Entertainment —

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Brand Guideline Template Brand Manual Layout

Seit 18. Oktober 2021
ID: 22356
0.0 of 5(0)

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The Logo Brand Guidelines template is a beautifully crafted template that can enhance your brand visual. It’s available in both A4 sizes, with a focus on simple clean lines and a strong grid. With an elegant style and a rich color palette, it is a perfect choice for company, designer, photographers, bloggers, influencers, entrepreneurs, small or large business and many more. It’s easy to customize it and replace the logo and the brand colours with your own, as we have designed this template to be as flexible as possible for a variety of clients.


❖ Adobe Illustrator (EPS File)
❖ 12 Pages Document
❖ A4 Size (8.27 x 11.69) 0.25 Bleed
❖ Very Easy to Edit
❖ Free font used
❖ Images and mockup not included

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