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Brand Guideline Template, 21489, Abstrakt/Texturen —
Brand Guideline Template, Folie 2, 21489, Abstrakt/Texturen —
Brand Guideline Template, Folie 3, 21489, Abstrakt/Texturen —
Brand Guideline Template, Folie 4, 21489, Abstrakt/Texturen —
Brand Guideline Template, Folie 5, 21489, Abstrakt/Texturen —
Brand Guideline Template, Folie 6, 21489, Abstrakt/Texturen —

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Brand Guideline Template

Von afsar15
Seit 21. Oktober 2021
ID: 21489
0.0 of 5(0)

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Brand Guidelines Template is an easy to edit template created in Adobe Illustrator. Insert your logo in special fields, replace the text and can safely print. We collect information and look forward to any feedback and suggestions for our future work.

- 12 Page Brand Guideline Template
- Portrait Size ( A4 Paper) with Bleed
- Compatibility with Adobe Illustrator
- Well Organized everything is editable color/text
- 100% Scalable All Files
- Ready to print
- Free font used

Files Included
- Vector EPS.
- Illustrator AI.
If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me via my profile. You can contact me anytime, please do not hesitate. please rate this item, I will appreciate it very much! If you like this. Thank you Mehr...
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