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5 Level Semi Transparent Funnel Diagram, 10223, 3D —
5 Level Semi Transparent Funnel Diagram, Folie 2, 10223, 3D —
5 Level Semi Transparent Funnel Diagram, Folie 3, 10223, 3D —

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5 Level Semi Transparent Funnel Diagram - Kostenlose Präsentationsvorlage für Google Slides und PowerPoint

Seit 18. Juli 2004
ID: 10223
4.6 of 5(70)
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Free PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

The 5 Level Semi Transparent Funnel Diagram is a sales and marketing model free presentation template which works in Google Slides and in PowerPoint, created in a 3D design and represents an impressive chart with semi-transparent 5 level funnel with downward arrow and shows the wide segment on top, narrowing down to the bottom. This process flow template assist the companies to streamline the requirements and objectives.

The general purpose of a funnel chart is to visualize the progressive filtering of data from one level down to another and can present a narrow down their sales objectives, or, reduce to their desired target audience through 5 level filtering process.

The 5 Level Semi Transparent Funnel Diagram is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like display the selection criteria while outlining the target outcome, or recruiting process. Use this diagram to present on any topic, regardless of the industry, download instantly and tailor it with your information, and use it to look like a presentation pro.

Template Features:

* 100% editable and easy to modify
* 2 dark and light slides to impress your audience
* Contains easy-to-edit graphics
* Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
* 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
* Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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