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Contact 20 Icon Pack - 2, 02264, 商业和办公室 —
Contact 20 Icon Pack - 2, 幻灯片 2, 02264, 商业和办公室 —


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Contact 20 Icon Pack - 2

自 2022 年 1 月 2 日
ID: 02264


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Business Analytics Strock Icons is created on a 64×64px. Available RGB color mood. Suitable for website, mobile apps, print, presentation, infographic and any other project. Every detail in each icon is made in a minimalist, clean and modern style. You can use .svg files in next iOS and Android projects. Completely customizable to use in any color.

Attached ZIP folder contains:

• AI CS6 (files compatible with versions 8, 10, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6, easily resize and colors)

• EPS CS6 (easily resize and colors)

• PSD (layered)

• 20 PNG image has resolution 64×64 pixel.

• 20 SVG included.


• Built on a grid system these icons scale down as small as 64×64 pixels and as large as you need.

• Variations are included so you can choose the design to best suit your project.

• All icons on one layer (AI/PSD) so you simply copy and paste the icons you need.

• Individual PNG and SVG icons included.

Don’t forget to rate it (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) and feel free to contact me.
Thank You.

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