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The GROW Coaching Model, 10273, Modelos de Negócio —
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The GROW Coaching Model, Deslizar 3, 10273, Modelos de Negócio —

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The GROW Coaching Model - Modelo de apresentação gratuito para Google Slides e PowerPoint

Desde 18 de julho de 2004
ID: 10273
4.5 de 5(153)
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Free PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

The GROW Coaching Model is a free presentation template that works in Google Slides and PowerPoint and represents 4 volumetric different-sized columns with GROW letters on them as a concept of 5 stages, options, parts, and phases, or a GROW Coaching Model milestones.

The GROW Model is a simple four-step process that helps you structure coaching and mentoring with team members. This framework for coaching was developed in the 1980s by Sir John Whitmore and his colleagues at Performance Consultants International.

This framework for coaching was developed in the 1980s by Sir John Whitmore and his colleagues at Performance Consultants International. It is also a top leadership tool that works across all disciplines and cultures.

The name of the Model is an acronym for the four key steps in GROW coaching: G-oals, R-eality, O-ptions and W-ill. With a few powerful coaching questions, a leader or coach can quickly raise awareness and responsibility in each area:

G: goals and aspirations
R: current situation, internal and external obstacles
O: possibilities, strengths, and resources
W: actions and accountability

The GROW model can be used in a variety of settings. The framework allows for adaptability in creating coaching cultures and can be used for different purposes:

1. Management/organizations
2. Individual
3. Group or team
4. Parenting and teaching students
5. and many others.

Use this GROW Coaching Model presentation slide to impress your audience with our outstanding GROW Coaching Model PowerPoint Template. Create professional PowerPoint presentations or Google Slides presentations on coaching and project management topics that appeal to global audiences. Download instantly and tailor it with your information, and use it to look like a presentation pro.

Template Features:

* 100% editable and easy to modify
* 2 dark and light slides to impress your audience
* Contains easy-to-edit graphics
* Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
* 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
* Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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