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Portfolio Presentation Keynote Template - Modelo do Keynote da Apple
- Modelo do Keynote da Apple
- 24 Slides
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
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- Modelo do Keynote da Apple
- 24 Slides
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
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Portfolio Presentation Template is a clear presentation to Show your Portfolio & Ideas. This is the right
business portfolio presentation for every creator, designer, student, lecturer, businessman who wants to present
their awesome project or creative ideas. There is no need to use any additional software. Save your time!
- Mash-Minimal Design
- Total 24 Slides
- All graphics resizable and editable
- Used and recommended free web fonts
- Based on Master Slides
- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
- Picture Placeholder
- Google Font
- Easily Editable!
Portfolio Presentation Template file includes documentation that will make it easier for you to edit this template.
- KEY file
- Documentation File
**Note: All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and are not actually included in the files**
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- Todos os artigos
- Modelos de Apresentação
- Modelos do Keynote da Apple
- Portfolio Presentation Keynote Template
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