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Portfolio Book Design Layout
- Boletim de Noticias
- 16 Páginas
- A4 8.27 x 11.69"
- 300 DPI
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Torne-se Premium e Download! | Já é Premium? Entrar
- Boletim de Noticias
- 16 Páginas
- A4 8.27 x 11.69"
- 300 DPI
Desbloqueie este arquivo e obtenha acesso a outros recursos Premium
Torne-se Premium e Download! | Já é Premium? Entrar
▶ F E A T U R E S
- Compatible With ILLUSTRATOR (EPS)
- Easy Edit Template
- Instant Download – your files are available immediately after purchase
- Professional, clean design
- Standard Paper Size Included
- CMYK Color scheme
- Print ready
- 100% Editable
- 16 Page
- Well organized layer
- Using a free font
▶ W H A T ' S I N S I D E
- Illustrator (EPS)
- Help File Documentation
- Links to free fonts used
- Fast and friendly customer service for any help you may need
Thank You, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask Mais...
- Todos os artigos
- Modelos Gráficos
- Boletins informativos
- Portfolio Book Design Layout
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