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Gelato Ice Cream Creative PowerPoint Template, 09730, Food & Beverage —
Gelato Ice Cream Creative PowerPoint Template, Deslizar 2, 09730, Food & Beverage —
Gelato Ice Cream Creative PowerPoint Template, Deslizar 3, 09730, Food & Beverage —
Gelato Ice Cream Creative PowerPoint Template, Deslizar 4, 09730, Food & Beverage —

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Gelato Ice Cream Creative PowerPoint Template - Modelo do PowerPoint

Por Rrgraph
Desde 12 de outubro de 2021
ID: 09730
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Gelato Ice Cream Creative PowerPoint Template combines various design aspects and usability to make the company profile template more engaging. Every slide is useful and more functional. No more useless shapes and infographics. Imagine a whole presentation template with hundreds useful slides. Ideal for company profile businesses and topic

With more than 20 unique slides, and each slide has a different layout style, Mockup & Gallery Slides PowerPoint Template is ready to fulfill your presentation purpose. 90+ colorful schemes ready to improve your business, pitch deck, or even a stage presentation. Complete with both dark and light background options for your needs. You’ll find company profile infographics, vectors, charts, and layouts that you can use inside your presentation. Mais...
Categorias: Comida e Bebida
