Black 3D Editable Text Effect Template
ID: 00460
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This is a 3D Text banner template. Created by Adobe Illustrator.
The latest design, easy photo changing options, and free fonts have been used.
All parts of the template included a photo to placeholders and the text area can be customized.
Easy Customizable and Editable.
1920px x 1080px.
300 DPI.
RGB Color.
Fully Editable.
Image Not Included.
Adobe illustrator cc.
Help File Included. Mais...
The latest design, easy photo changing options, and free fonts have been used.
All parts of the template included a photo to placeholders and the text area can be customized.
Easy Customizable and Editable.
1920px x 1080px.
300 DPI.
RGB Color.
Fully Editable.
Image Not Included.
Adobe illustrator cc.
Help File Included. Mais...
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