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Swiss Biz Presentation PowerPoint Template - PowerPoint-sjabloon
- PowerPoint-sjabloon
- 7 Dia's
- 9:16
- 1080x1920
- 300 DPI
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- PowerPoint-sjabloon
- 7 Dia's
- 9:16
- 1080x1920
- 300 DPI
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Swiss Biz Presentation PowerPoint Template
New, Clean, Creative and modern Presentation Template. Fully customisation & super easy to use to fit any kind of business use.
- 190 Unique Custom Slides
- HD (16:9) Ratio
- Master Slide Layout
- All Elements & Icons included
- Custom Animated transition effects
- Professional, Creative, Clean, Modern & Corporate design
- Used Font & Picture Image links included
- Drug & Drop Image Replace
- Used free font link included
Gerelateerde items
- Alle producten
- Presentatiesjablonen
- PowerPoint-sjablonen
- Swiss Biz Presentation PowerPoint Template
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