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Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 2, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 3, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 4, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 5, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 6, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 7, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 8, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 9, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —
Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template, Dia 10, 04727, Presentatiesjablonen —

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Social Media Plan Powerpoint and Google Slides Presentation Template - PowerPoint-sjabloon

Sinds 29 januari 2020
ID: 04727
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The template is a multipurpose Powerpoint and Google Slides template that can be used for any type of presentation: business, portfolio, corporate, branding, advertising, minimal, guidelines, branding, logo, typography, studio, project and also can be used for custom production. Each slide is created with love and attention to detail.


10 Unique Slides
2 POTX files
PDF Documentation
Easy to use
Image placeholders
Drag and Drop Image
Clean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of presentation
Professionally designed slides

Fonts Used:

Avenir Next
Trebuchet MS

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