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Modern Medical Brochure Template, 22435, Medisch —
Modern Medical Brochure Template, Dia 2, 22435, Medisch —
Modern Medical Brochure Template, Dia 3, 22435, Medisch —
Modern Medical Brochure Template, Dia 4, 22435, Medisch —
Modern Medical Brochure Template, Dia 5, 22435, Medisch —

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Modern Medical Brochure Template

Sinds 13 mei 2020
ID: 22435
0.0 van 5(0)
  • Brochure
  • 16 Pages
  • A4 8.27 x 11.69"
  • 300 DPI
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  • Brochure
  • 16 Pages
  • A4 8.27 x 11.69"
  • 300 DPI
Premium bron

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** Modern Medical Brochure Template**

This Modern Medical Brochure template is a premium designed book layout available to use in Adobe Indesign. The contains modern, and elegant layouts with well-crafted details like automatic page numbering, automatic table of contents, text pages and pages with captions. It includes paragraph/character styles for some titles, subtitles and texts.



- Drag and drop photo replace
- All graphics resizable and editable
- 16 fully customizable pages for Adobe Indesign
- Master Pages Layout
- elements are resizable vector
- Easily Editable!
- CMYK color mode
- Google Font
- Help File



- If you need any help or inquiry about this item, please contact us. Enjoy! Thank you. Meer...
Categorieën: Medisch
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