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Graphics and Web Design Flyer Template, 08500, Technology, Science & Computers —
Graphics and Web Design Flyer Template, Dia 2, 08500, Technology, Science & Computers —
Graphics and Web Design Flyer Template, Dia 3, 08500, Technology, Science & Computers —
Graphics and Web Design Flyer Template, Dia 4, 08500, Technology, Science & Computers —

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Graphics and Web Design Flyer Template

Sinds 11 maart 2020
ID: 08500
4.7 van 5(3)
  • Folder
  • 1 Pages
  • A4 8.27 x 11.69" A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0"
  • 300 DPI
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  • Folder
  • 1 Pages
  • A4 8.27 x 11.69" A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0"
  • 300 DPI
Premium bron

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Flyer Description:

Graphics and Web Design Flyer Template, You can create your own flyers very easily! You can modify everything very easy and quick. Changing the color style, picture, typo is no problem. It is well-assorted in folders and layers.

Flyer Feature:
Fully layered PSD files
Easy customizable and editable
US Letter + A4 size with bleed setting
CMYK colors
300 DPI resolution
Print ready format
Only free fonts used: Font.txt with download links.
Images are not included

Font Used:


For any help regarding this file, please feel free to contact me and I’ll be glad to offer support. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much! Please don’t underestimate the power of the stars.

NOTE: The images are not included in the final download. You can contact me and I will send all images for FREE.

Thank you
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