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Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, 04523, Businessmodellen —
Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Dia 2, 04523, Businessmodellen —
Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Dia 3, 04523, Businessmodellen —
Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Dia 4, 04523, Businessmodellen —
Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Dia 5, 04523, Businessmodellen —
Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Dia 6, 04523, Businessmodellen —
Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Dia 7, 04523, Businessmodellen —

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Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template - PowerPoint-sjabloon

Sinds 4 februari 2020
ID: 04523
4.5 van 5(84)
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The main task of a competent business plan is to work out your business idea as thoroughly as possible. The Business Plan shows what needs to be done to implement your project, determines the strengths and weaknesses of your business, conducts a financial analysis. This template was compiled on real samples of successful business plans and allows you to effectively convey your business idea to a potential investor.CONTENT:WelcomeExecutive SummaryMission StatementVision StatementGuiding PrinciplesProblemProblem DefinitionSolutionSolution DefinitionSolution ProductBusiness Model CanvasRevenue ModelMarket DefinitionMarket SizeMarket AnalysisGo-to-Market StrategyMarket GrowthS.W.O.T Analysis4P Marketing MixPorter's Value ChainPorter's Five ForcesPEST AnalysisBCG MatrixA.I.D.A ModelCompetitorsCustomer NeedsCompetitive PositioningOptimal CustomerValue Proposition CanvasTarget Social GroupPricing StrategyDistribution ChannelsSales ForecastStart-Up Assets & ExpensesSource and Use of FundsProjected Profit and LossProjected Balance SheetManagement TeamKey TeamOur ServicesCompany HistoryContactsFEATURES:Transitions Only (Not animated)Widescreen 16:9 (1920x1080) screen sizeFull editable in PowerPointMaster SlidesOne-click image changing5 Pre-made color themesFree fontsFull DocumentationTEMPLATE INCLUDES:5 PPTX (MS PowerPoint) filesUser Guide PDF file Meer...

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