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Brand Strategy Keynote Template, 12460, Bedrijf —
Brand Strategy Keynote Template, Dia 2, 12460, Bedrijf —
Brand Strategy Keynote Template, Dia 3, 12460, Bedrijf —
Brand Strategy Keynote Template, Dia 4, 12460, Bedrijf —

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Brand Strategy Keynote Template - Keynote-sjabloon

Sinds 13 mei 2020
ID: 12460
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**Brand Strategy Keynote Template**

This Brand Strategy Presentation Template contains 24 useful slides for business plans and processes such as company introduction, market analysis, products and services, competitive strategy, marketing plan, sales method, investing, organization and management team, social media marketing, and many more


We made this presentation with many formats for different type of technical and non technical person. Choose what and how can you edit it.

- Keynote-Key file
- Documentation File



- Total 24 Slides
- All graphics resizable and editable
- Master slide Layout
- Based on Master Slides
- Full HD 16:9 ratio
- Picture Placeholder
- Google Font
- Easily Editable!


**Note: All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and are not actually included in the files**

I hope you Like it. Thanks Meer...
Categorieën: Bedrijf

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