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6-Stage Startup Process Infographic, 09460, Business Concepten —
6-Stage Startup Process Infographic, Dia 2, 09460, Business Concepten —

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6-Stage Startup Process Infographic - Gratis presentatiesjabloon voor Google Slides en PowerPoint

Sinds 18 juli 2004
ID: 09460
4.6 van 5(173)
Standaard PoweredTemplate-licentie

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The 6-Stage Startup Process infographic template is a professional presentation slide design showing the launch of a shuttle in clouds of smoke and surrounded by 6 colorful circles as concept of 6 steps, options, parts, phases, stages or processes.

Template Features:

- 16:9 Ratio
- Light and Dark background
- 2 Slides with Editable Shapes
- Easy to change colors, Fully editable texts
- Standard font used

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