Yunion - Business Google Slides Template - Google 슬라이드 테마
ID: 05969
4.5 의 5(2)
- Google 슬라이드 테마
- 40 슬라이드
- 16:9
- 1280x720
- Google 슬라이드 테마
- 40 슬라이드
- 16:9
- 1280x720
Presentation templates for preofessional use in a workable, simple, clean, an easily editable style. Can be used for various purposes such as : Creative Agency, Company Profile, Corporate and Business, Portfolio, Photography, Pitch Deck, Startup, and also can be used for Personal Portfolio.
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관련 항목
- 모든 아이템
- 프리젠 테이션 템플릿
- Google 프레젠테이션 테마
- Yunion - Business Google Slides Template
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