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Editable Vector EPS Profit and Loss Infographic, 20430, 비즈니스 —
Editable Vector EPS Profit and Loss Infographic, 슬라이드 2, 20430, 비즈니스 —
Editable Vector EPS Profit and Loss Infographic, 슬라이드 3, 20430, 비즈니스 —
Editable Vector EPS Profit and Loss Infographic, 슬라이드 4, 20430, 비즈니스 —
Editable Vector EPS Profit and Loss Infographic, 슬라이드 5, 20430, 비즈니스 —
Editable Vector EPS Profit and Loss Infographic, 슬라이드 6, 20430, 비즈니스 —
Editable Vector EPS Profit and Loss Infographic, 슬라이드 7, 20430, 비즈니스 —

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Editable Vector EPS Profit and Loss Infographic

작성자 MightySlide
2023년 3월 7일부터
ID: 20430
프리미엄 리소스

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프리미엄 가입 및 다운로드!  |  이미 프리미엄? 로그인

프리미엄 리소스

이 파일의 잠금을 해제하고 다른 프리미엄 리소스에 액세스하십시오.

프리미엄 가입 및 다운로드!  |  이미 프리미엄? 로그인

Profit and loss, abbreviated P&L, is a statement showing the revenues, costs and resulting profits of a company over a certain period of time. A profit and loss statement is one of the fundamental accounting statements used for reporting on an organization’s financial performance.Profit and Loss Infographic templates will help your business in a number of ways. When you are trying to get noticed online, nothing is better than an infographic.

Profit & Loss, Income and Expenditure – Are you looking for simple yet effective business infographics? Then you are at the right place. You can easily create a basic P&L infographic for your upcoming presentations with this template. And not just that, it also allows you to create an income and expenditure chart as well using the same template!

▶ F E A T U R E
✔ Instant Download – your files are available immediately after purchase
✔ Professional, clean design
✔ Easy to edit in Google Slide
✔ 100% Editable
✔ Using a free font

▶ W H A T ' S I N S I D E
✔ Google Slide File
✔ Help File Documentation
✔ Links to free fonts used
✔ Fast and friendly customer service for any help you may need

▶ S U P P O R T
For any help regarding this file, please feel free to contact me and I’ll be glad to offer support. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much! Please don’t underestimate the power of the stars.


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