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Works 3D Text Effect Vectors

Dal 3 novembre 2021
ID: 00284
4.2 di 5(5)
Licenza PoweredTemplate standard

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EPS vector 3D Text Effect. This text effect gives you quick and easy possibilities to apply high-quality to your text. This text effect can be used on simple text, shapes, vector logos, posters, flyers, book covers and magazine titles, or website ad banners.

> Quick and easy Smart Object Replacement action
> 100% Easy Customizable and Editable
> No Skill Requirement
> Well organized layers in a folder.
> High Quality & Unique Design
> File type: .zip (include .EPS & .jpg)

This template is 100% customizable, easily editable, and simple to use; all objects are resizable, with no quality loss. Enjoy! Altro...
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