Watercolor Photo Effect Template
ID: 00513
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Watercolor Photo Effect Template
This psd template will help you to convert your photos to awesome watercolor artworks just by few clicks! Unlimited number of end effects! Just press shift+ctrl+g and ungroup the layers. Just double click on the convert to smart object layer and put your own logo and Image then save. Now you are done.
Easy to edit.
Optimized for printing / 300 Dpi.
3000×2000 Pixel
Help Guide Included.
Adobe photoshop
Images are not included in the download.
1 psd. file
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This psd template will help you to convert your photos to awesome watercolor artworks just by few clicks! Unlimited number of end effects! Just press shift+ctrl+g and ungroup the layers. Just double click on the convert to smart object layer and put your own logo and Image then save. Now you are done.
Easy to edit.
Optimized for printing / 300 Dpi.
3000×2000 Pixel
Help Guide Included.
Adobe photoshop
Images are not included in the download.
1 psd. file
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