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Vanila - keynote Template, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 2, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 3, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 4, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 5, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 6, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 7, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 8, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 9, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —
Vanila - keynote Template, Slide 10, 05586, Modelli Presentazione —

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Vanila - keynote Template - Keynote Template

Dal 30 gennaio 2020
ID: 05586
0.0 di 5(0)
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- 40 Unique Custom Slides
- images Placeholder
- Made with Slidemaster ( Just Drag & Drop your Image )
- Drag And Drop image
- Theme Colour Option, Easy to change colors, Fully editable text and photos
- Clean Theme Version

(Images are not included)

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