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Tranquil Japanese Landscape - Vector Illustration, 03844, Istruzione e Formazione —
Tranquil Japanese Landscape - Vector Illustration, Slide 2, 03844, Istruzione e Formazione —
Tranquil Japanese Landscape - Vector Illustration, Slide 3, 03844, Istruzione e Formazione —

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Tranquil Japanese Landscape - Vector Illustration

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 03844
4.7 di 5(37)
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This vector illustration captures the serene beauty of a Japanese landscape in an old-style, aquarelle, and lithography-inspired artwork. The illustration features a picturesque lake surrounded by enchanting autumn trees, with a traditional pagoda gracing the scene. The soft and delicate watercolor strokes evoke a sense of tranquility and reflect the artistic traditions of Japan. The illustration transports viewers to a peaceful setting, inviting them to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature and the timeless charm of Japanese aesthetics. Scarica Campioni Gratis. Caratteristiche Prodotto.Altro...

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